Sam and I have been reading through the Little House series. We're currently reading The Long Winter. The Ingalls family is out of coal and planning to burn hay, their flour is nearly gone, and they've used the last of the kerosene. The stores in town are nearly bare. The train can't get through because of the recent three-day blizzard. When a clear day finally arrives, the men go out to dig snow off the tracks. Pa comes home excited because the train will come into town the next day. That afternoon storm clouds begin to form on the horizon. Sam became very serious and asked, "Mom, did God make those storm clouds?" I answered, "Yes." Of course he wanted to know why. I tried to explain that sometimes blessings and hard times come to God's children and his enemies. Then Sam said excitedly, "I know! It's just like when God takes dirty water and ocean water and makes them into clean water. God takes bad things and makes them into good things." That comment has blessed my heart many times during the last few days. God can take bad things and make them good! It's his specialty. How often I need to remember that God takes the awful things in our lives and makes them beautiful. He can even take me, fallen as I am, and change my heart and life! What a great God!By the way, the pictures were taken at Riley's Farm. We love to visit the farm for raspberry and apple picking! The also offer living history reenactments. During a recent trip, the kids made butter (or, I should say, they moved the dasher a bit!).