Friday, April 4, 2008

The Graduates

Sam and Grace both graduate this Spring. They were excited to try on their gowns and mortar boards!

We enrolled Grace in preschool one day a week--she loves all the fun messy painting activities that I don't always have time to set up and clean up before going to work in the evening.

Sam's ISP (Independent Studies Program) offers an optional Kindergarten graduation. Would we pass that up? I think not!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Easter Break at Our House

We were on Easter Break last week. I thought it would be interesting to jot down what Sam does when we're not schooling. Here's a quick list of his free activities:

  • Climbed his tree
  • Created a pulley system through trial and error in order to take books and water up into his tree
  • Read some of his Magic Treehouse books aloud (He was reading chapter books, people--this is my kindergartner!)
  • Put together a puzzle of the United States
  • Built with KEVA planks
  • Went to the zoo, located places on the map, and read the signs
  • Read some signs on the freeway
  • Went to the grocery store, weighed produce, learned to read prices (Those pesky decimal points are important--who knew that onions weren't really $99 a lb.?)
  • Cooked and washed dishes
  • Drew and wrote in his journal
  • Rode his scooter
  • Learned to jump on his skateboard
  • Attended swimming lessons
  • Counted by 2s, 5s, and 10s just for fun
  • Worked on teaching his two-year-old sister to recognize A
  • Explored the properties of water
  • Built with zome tools
  • Organized his books for the sheer pleasure of it (He said he wanted his "research" books to be in their own special place.)
  • Browsed through the dictionary

This isn't even a complete list! It's amazing what kids will do when learning isn't treated as something to be done in a school building. I'm so excited to see my kids view learning as a fun and interesting part of everyday life.